I do apologize for the long respite, I've gotten so caught up in life that I forgot all about this little log of my voyages. On the bright side, I have much to talk about!
SPRING BREAK!!! I love road trips. And a road trip is JUST what my family and I did for Spring Break. We drove from Houston, TX to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon where I fell in love with the small town of Williams, Arizona. I was ecstatic to find that you can be in 60, almost 70 degree weather and still have plenty of snow to make a snowman with.

Sunset somewhere on the way to Arizona --->
Native American snowman. Made him on the side of one of the paths at the Grand Canyon. :D
Standing in four states at once. Oh yeah.
Me (the one in the neon backback) and my little sister.
Williams, AZ. Such an adorable little town. <3
After two days of the Grand Canyon and cute souvenir shopping and three snowmen, we moved along to Durango, Colorado. There we did a little more souvenir shopping and I got hit on by a man that was high and spoke in a different language. It was completely awkward and I had never felt my knees and shins sweat before. The rest of me kept its cool though, thank God.
After Durango, we moved on to see Silverton, Colorado which turned out to be a ghost town when it's not tourist season,
and then to the city that stole even more of my heart than Williams, AZ; Ouray, Colorado. That city is a dream for me. Great food, cute buildings, and SO MUCH TO EXPLORE IN THE SURROUNDING AREAS!!!! And did I ever mention that I love snow? They don't call me polar bear for nothin'. ;D There was SOOOOO MUCH SNOW!!! And I made more snowmen there. But I only have pictures of the best one I made. The polar bear! All he needs is a little captain's hat. XD
We also ate at this fantastic burger joint in Ouray called Maggie's Kitchen, where I left my paw print among all the signatures and messages from travelers in sharpie all along the tables and chairs and walls, doors, windows, ceilings and even the bathroom. Speaking of which, I'd like to give a shout out to KayaBear12 and arlen_ny from instagram who left their signatures in the bathroom there at Maggie's!
Ok, so that was a quick run-through of my spring break. What'd you guys do? :D Leave a comment below, go try something new, take care, God bless, and I love you all!
-Captain Polar Bear
P.S. Whaddaya think of the new paw print? Better? I lost the old one, so if you liked that one better, oh well. We're stuck with this one for now haha :D
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